I am never sure of my supply until I check the garden. Message me with what you like and I write back with what I can supply.
Selina's Iris Garden
Bearded Irises Grown In Tasmania

The Garden
Selina was raised by two plant-mad individuals. Since the age of 6 Selina can remember being surrounded by plants. Cacti Succulents, Fuschias, Dahlias, Azaleas, Camelias, Daffodils, and of course vegetables.

Selina's mother, Lyn became interested in irises in the 1990's and built up a huge collection which is now entirely contained within Selina's garden.
The collection continues to grow each year.
The Garden is set on 1 acre on a hill overlooking the Derwent River. It currently contains over 1100 tall bearded iris, about 70 medians, and 130 dwarf bearded iris.
The Garden also has over 300 varieties of daffodils and an enormous succulent and cacti collection.